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How Technology Helps in Structuring Strong Content

WriterZen - How Technology Helps in Structuring Strong Content Marketing Teams
Why has there been such a time increase, you wonder?
The answer’s straightforward.
There’s more competition due to increased standards of quality for content. Today, creating outstanding content is the name of the game. Else, search engines like Google won’t rank it or people read it beyond 13 secs.
In other words, you now have to spend more time –from researching to benchmarking competitors to understanding and optimizing content for audience needs, etc. – than before. 
Mark Schaefer, a Content Marketing Leader, who, relative to these issues, predicted content shock is no stranger to this problem. In the Orbitmedia survey referenced above, he even stressed the point. 
Do you want to produce blog posts at a faster rate Here’s how content marketing technology can help you do just that
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How Technology Helps in Structuring Strong Content

How Technology Helps in Structuring Strong Content
